Choosing which direction to take after leaving school is a big decision. We’re here to support our students and make sure they know about all the options open to them. Our curriculum focusses on careers, and we provide our students with meaningful career-related opportunities and activities throughout their time with us.
Our Careers Leader is Hannah Harighi. If you have any questions about careers, higher education, work experience, or if you would like more information about our careers programme, please contact
The Careers provision at Buzz centres around our belief that all young people deserve every opportunity to become the best they can. In having a robust career education young people are better prepared for adulthood and make informed decisions about their future. At Buzz Learning we know that good career guidance is essential for social mobility and that young people with learning difficulties or disabilities especially benefit from a strong guidance system. In Buzz, we follow statutory guidance which states that we should use the Gatsby Benchmarks; a framework for school leaders, headteachers, and careers advisors to assess the development of their pupils in employability skills. These standards also help students track their own progress and identify areas in which they need to continue developing their skills. At Buzz, we consistently attain 100% on all 8 of the Gatsby Benchmarks (details of this are in the Careers Strategy).
In Buzz, careers information, advice and guidance is delivered from Year 7 and throughout their learning journey, including in our post-16 provision. All learners also participate in work experiences from Year 10. Buzz invites professionals from the DWP and local businesses to share knowledge, experiences and labour market information, to raise awareness about opportunities in the area and elevate aspirations in our young people. The Careers team also hosts ‘Aspirations Week’ in the summer term as a learner-friendly careers fair, and plans other careers events and activities throughout the school year.